Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Boroday Valeriy Anatolevich
Associate professor

Position: associate professor
Other positions: Deputy dean for academic affairs of electrical engineering faculty
Academic title: associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences (Ph.D.).
Tel.: (056) 373-07-24
E-mail: Boroday_VA@mail.ru
Room: 1/30 (deanery of electrical engineering faculty)

Educational Activities

Associate professorV. Boroday delivers lectures and conducts laboratory and practical classes on disciplines "Practical circuit design in electric drive" (textbook will be published soon), "Electric drives for household appliances" (methodical instructions for self-training are published), "Computer technologies in electromechanical problems" (a set of laboratory works is developed on the basis of technical graphics package AutoCAD), "Electric drive of mining machines and systems". Optionally he conducts practical classes on discipline "Techniques for art-design graphics package Corel DRAW".

Printed editions:

  • A. Beshta, A.Balakhontsyev, V. Boroday .Automated electric drive in rolling manufacture: Textbook. Dnepropetrovsk, National Mining University, 2011
  • Scientific activities

    Thesis "Rational parameters and startability of powerful synchronous machines with heavy starting conditions".

    Supervisor - prof. Kirichenko V.I.

    Direction of research is devoted to the creation of new powerful electric synchronous motors for mining machines. The idea of work the use of resonance phenomena in the excitation winding during asynchronous start.


  • Medal of Honor of the National Mining University "For devotion".
  • Biography

    Born in 1963 in Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region. After high school he worked as a cable jointer of sewage systems communication lines at Pavlograd Chemical Plant. After resign from the ranks of the border troops of USSR Army in 1984 he enters Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute (DGI) on a specialty "Electric drive and automation of general industrial installations", in 1989 he was qualified as an electrical engineer. From that moment he was employed at the electric drive department of DGI and was promoted from a trainee engineer to a senior researcher of the department research division. After defending his thesis in 2009 he took the position of an associate professor of electric drive department.



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