Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Syomin Andrei Aleksandrovich
Assistant lecturer

Position: Assistant lecturer
Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences (Ph.D.).
Tel.: (056) 373-07-71
E-mail: syomin_andrew@mail.ru
Room: 1/44

Educational Activities

Delivers lectures and conducts laboratory classes on discipline "Electrical apparatuses" (in English), laboratory classes in the disciplines: "Electric drive theory", "Fundamentals of electric drive", "Simulation of electromechanical systems" and practical classes in "Computers in the calculations of electromechanical systems" and "English language for professional purposes".

Scientific activities

Area of research � parameters identification of electromechanical systems.

Supervisor: prof. A. Beshta

Other activities

  • The organizer of practical training for students of specialty "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drives".
  • A member of methodical commissions for "Electromechanics" and specialty "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive".
  • Biography

    Born in 1981 in Sinelnikovo, Dnipropetrovsk region. In 1998-2003 he studied at NMU majoring in "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drives". In 2003-2006 - post-graduate student at the department of Electric drive. Since 2006 � an assistant lecturer of electric drive department.



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