Kazachkovsky Nikolay Nikolaevich
Position: professor
Other positions: Director of Authorized Training Center of Schneider Electric, a member of Scientific Council of Electrical Engineering Faculty
Academic title: associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences (Ph.D.).
Tel.: (056) 373-07-71
Room: 1/44
Educational Activities
Professor Kazachkovsky N.N. delivers lectures and conducts laboratory and practical classes on disciplines: "Introduction to the specialty", "Power converters of automated electric drives" and "Optimization of electromechanical systems." Nikolay Nikolaevich is the author of the following books: "Controlled rectifiers", "Autonomous converters and frequency converters", "Complete-solutions electric drives".
Scientific activities
The scientific work headed by professor Kazachkovsky is conducted with staff and students of Electric drives department. Area of research — "Control of electric drive with PWM".
Other activities
Born in 1951 in Grodno, Belarus. He graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1973. During 1973-1975 he served in the Soviet Army. From 1975 he has been working in DGI (NMU) as an engineer, senior engineer, senior and leading scientific worker, associate professor and now he is a professor.