Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Borovyk Roman Oleksiyovych
Senior Lecturer

Position: Senior Lecturer
Tel.: (056) 373-07-71
E-mail: borovyk.r.o@nmu.one
Room: 1/49

Educational Activities

Delivers lectures on the discipline "Valve electric drives of general industrial mechanisms", "Simulation of electromechanical systems", "Fundamentals of electric drives".

He conducts laboratory works in "Computers in the calculations of electromechanical systems", "Simulation of electromechanical systems", "Electric drives control systems", "Microprocessor technology", "Fundamentals of electric drives".

He is an author of methodical instructions for the discipline "Simulation of electromechanical systems".

Scientific activities

Area of research – "Programmed control of powerful synchronous electric drive".

Supervisor: prof. Kirichenko V.I.

Other activities

A lecturer in Authorised Training Center of "Schneider Electric" (France).


Born in 1979 in Sverdlovsk, Lugansk region. In 2001 he graduated from NMU. From 2001 to 2004 he was a post-graduate student of electric drive department. Since 2004 – an assistant lecturer of electric drive department. Since 2022 – a senior lecturer of electric drive department.



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