Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Beshta Oleksandr Jr
Associate professor

Position: Associate professor
Academic rank: Associate professor
Academic degree: PhD (candidate of technical sciences)
E-mail: beshta.o.o@nmu.one
Room: 1/49

Educational work

Associate Professor Oleksandr Beshta teaches the disciplines "Fundamentals of Electric Drive", "Electronics, Microprocessor Technology and Automation Tools", "Intelligent Control and Protection Systems", "Electromechanical Systems of General Industrial Installations".

Improvement of qualification

Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, diploma No. DR 001152, dissertation defense on the topic "Increasing the load capacity in the system of an asynchronous electric drive of a vehicle with a combined power source", 37 ECTS credits (1110 hours), 02/18/21



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