Aziukovskyi Oleksandr Olexandrovych
Position: Professor
Other positions: Director of Interbranch institute of Continuing Education of NMU, deputy dean of European Technical Faculty of NMU.
Academic title: associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences (Ph.D.).
Experience of scientific and pedagogical work: 19
Tel.: (0562) 47-23-85
Room: 1/44
National Mining Academy of Ukraine (1998), "Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations and Technological Complexes", "Electrical Engineer".
Academic degree
Candidate of technical sciences (Ph.D.), 05.09.03 – Electrotechnical complexes and systems (2003), ДК № 021334 "Investigative electromechanical system with improved dynamic performance in the rolling mill rolling sheet mill."
Academic title
Associate Professor of Electric Drive, (2009), 12 ДЦ № 022164.
Educational Activities
Teaches the subjects "Theory of automatic control", "Construction and protection of gas and petroleum"